Friday, June 6, 2008

certain girls aka the cool girl...

What makes some men positive that they can get away with certain types of behavior with certain girls? What makes these women undeserving of common courtesy, decency and consideration and others more deserving? Where did they go wrong? What did they so terrible that makes certain behavior acceptable?

For example, what makes it OK to invite one woman they are "dealing with" to a spot where they can blantantly canoodle with another girl? Especially when the two of them were just together not more than a week ago? Do certain girls come across as the type that this will be OK with? How so? Is it because these girls are considered "the cool girl"? The one they can laugh and joke with, who has a sense of humor, never trips, always has their back and would never make a scene in a public place?

It is my belief that all of the above have something to do with it. You see, if these women were the type who would curse you out in public, embarrass you in front of your people in turn making fools of all parties involved, maybe you would think twice before committing such transgressions. But since these women are "the cool girl", and men are quite aware when you are indeed "the cool girl", they feel confident the latter scenario would never happen.

Instead, " the cool girl" will play the more mature, laid back role, because in essence this is who she is, and at the very end of the day, it is much more important to remain true to oneself, above all else. So, she acts with the sophistication and class that truly reflects her upbringing. You will never see her with her neck and eyes rolling, finger waving and loud talking anyone, making a public mockery of everything that is woman.

Instead, she will play the mature, laid back role.

Remaining true to herself.

And later on, have a conversation with her former suitor, letting him know the error of his ways, what she thinks about the lack of consideration, and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors. Thereby ending their relationship on the basis that he is about as undeserving of her time, affections, attention, and energy as one can get.

Some may wonder if she is in essence playing herself by not approaching this guy immediately and saying something, anything. And is she? In my opinion, no. She isn't. In the end, it's not about playing games or being something or someone you're not. Experience has taught me that your first reaction is with a doubt always the correct one. The reaction you have without thinking, asking your friends for their opinion and mulling over for days. Go with your gut, your intuition is speaking to you... L...i...s...t...e...n...

With that being said, depending on the individual, the decision to approach or not approach is the correct move. Following your first mind will never lead you astray nor will it leave you with any regrets....

When I think about it, certain girls have done nothing in particular to warrant such behavior from men. Men, and people in general, will do what you allow them to do, 100% of the time. It is up to you to draw the line at what you will and will not deal with and accept nothing less.